Why Detoxify the Body?

In today's toxic environment, tissue acid wastes, chemical and heavy metal residues build up in the body faster than ever before, resulting in a greater incidence of allergies, mental, and physical incapacitation. We have begun to hear more about herbal and homeopathic detoxification programs by alternative health practitioners as a way of reducing symptomology and maintaining health.

All healing traditions - Egyptian, Native American, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Chinese, Shamanic - except Western Medicine offer body cleansing as a means of healing and avoiding disease.

Pimples, rashes, dark circles under the eyes, swollen joints, yellow, green and blotched complexions often indicate a buildup of tissue acid wastes inside the body. Several IonCleanse sessions, along with dietary modification and detoxification have been shown to substantially reduce and even eliminate these conditions.

IonCleanse sessions will support any body cleansing modality and may even reduce the discomfort associated with rapid detoxification.

Today we are exposed to the greatest toxic load in the history of our planet and ongoing periodic detoxification is essential to maintain health and avoid disease. The IonCleanse, in combination with a healthy, low-stress lifestyle, provides a thorough and efficient way to maintain high energy levels and long term wellness.

It appears that the IonCleanse detoxifies the body more effectively and faster than any herbal or fasting protocols, with little or no stress to the patient. Used properly, the IonCleanse provides a comfortable and relaxing way to rid the body of toxins without precipitating healing crises.

Most people should benefit from IonCleanse foot baths, but especially patients with the following symptoms: edema, inflammation, gout, osteo-arthritis, and pain that is not related to subluxation. Eighty-five percent of patients with the above ailments will experience an immediate benefit. Your confidence in the unit will grow, as will your practice, so you may then introduce your more complicated cases to the IonCleanse. Because disease, surgeries and many medical procedures leave the body weak and toxic, IonCleanse detoxification treatments may prove to be essential to your ongoing health.

Regional Toxicity

Water, metal and salt will combine to produce a light water color change, as well as objects in the water even without feet being submerged. The IonCleanse neutralizes toxins in the water the same way it neutralizes toxins in the body. The predominant color of the de-ionized water is determined by the chemicals used by local water authorities in combination with the pollutants common to that area.

In Denver, Colorado, the predominant water color is orange; in Phoenix, Arizona it is orange-brown; in parts of Texas it is brown; yellow-green in Boise, Idaho.

Chinese acupuncturists understand the concept of regional toxicity as it relates to the ailments that predominate in a given area. Some areas of the country have higher joint complaints, while others report a higher frequency of kidney-bladder problems. Could it be that the toxins peculiar to an area gravitate toward a specific part of the body causing it to break down?

As a general rule, regional toxins contribute 20-40% of the residues found in the water after a footbath. The black flecks can be created by heavy metals in the bath water as well as deterioration of the metal in the array. Experience and the observations discussed above will help you determine what is coming from the patient and what is coming from the array.